An employment tribunal has ordered Wimbledon Mosque to pay a former employee more than £25,000 after dismissing her with two days’ notice.
The tribunal found that Roha Dahir was unfairly and wrongfully dismissed and that the charity had subjected her to direct race discrimination and direct sex discrimination.
A trustee of Wimbledon Mosque told Civil Society that the trustees acknowledge the employment tribunal's judgment for unfair dismissal and breach of contract. However, the board strongly disagrees with the sexual and racial discrimination judgment in respect of the dismissal, and has appealed the judgment.
Dahir was 21 years old when she was dismissed in May 2021 and had a gross weekly pay of £110, tribunal documents state.
Wimbledon Mosque was instructed to pay Dahir compensation for unlawful discrimination of £24,878, which includes £11,110 for injury to feelings and aggravated damages plus £2,657 in interest, and £9,924 in lost earnings plus interest of £1,188.
The charity was also told to pay a basic award for unfair dismissal of £165, a compensatory award for unfair dismissal of £550, along with damages for wrongful dismissal of £362.
The tribunal was mindful of the fact that Wimbledon Mosque, which recorded an income of £140,000 in the year to March 2023, is a small organisation which adopted a “fairly casual approach” to its employment obligations.
Read more on the original article : https://www.civilsociety.co.uk/news/religious-charity-ordered-to-pay-more-than-25000-over-race-and-sex-discrimination.html