Eliminating discrimination against members of the LGBTQ community and other sexual minorities in Japan cannot be left aside for even a moment. And we must ask: Is Prime Minister Fumio Kishida putting the internal matters of his Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) ahead of taking even the first step to address this issue?
It has been nearly two months since Kishida instructed his party to consider submitting a "bill to promote understanding of LGBT people" to the Diet in response to discriminatory remarks by his secretary about sexual minorities and same-sex marriage. However, there is no sign the bill will arrive on the Diet floor. It has been observed that the prime minister is concerned about the LDP conservative camp's misgivings about the bill and wants to avoid intra-party conflict as Japan heads into nationwide local elections in April.
Read more on the original article : https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20230330/p2a/00m/0op/013000c