Don’t be self-satisfied with your acceptance of diversity until you truely examine yourself., writes guest columnist Vincent Burke. He acknowledges he took pride in himself until he looked deeper. It was a rude awakening.
CULPEPPER, Va. -- A suggestion: Don’t be self-satisfied with your acceptance of diversity as I was, until you examine yourself. I took pride in myself until I looked deeper. It was a rude awakening.
Something very simple started my questioning. I merely shared an elevator in my condo building with a Black woman.
I was startled at my first thought on seeing her: “attractive Black woman.” Why did I think “Black?” Why not just think “attractive woman?” There was no reason to have thought about her race. If she had been White, I would never have thought “attractive White woman.” Why did I cite a Black woman differently, by race?
Read more on the original article : https://www.cleveland.com/opinion/2023/08/are-you-prejudiced-you-may-be-surprised-vincent-burke.html